Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lurrrving: Good Stock

I've been daydreaming about having Kim of Good Stock make books for me for about a year now. I'd like to rummage through the old black and white photos stashed in a dresser in my grandmother's house and make a family book of "entertaining" -- photos from parties. I'd like a book about my grandfather, who I never got to meet. I'd like a book about how my parents met and fell in love. I'd like one dedicated to my friendships.

I think, I'd just like to get started on something that lets me hang on to my past in a concrete way. And Kim's books are a beautiful way to do it.

Each is one-of-a-kind, completely unique, and lovingly handmade by Kim. I think the results are pretty stunning -- these put those self-made books that are all the rage to absolute shame. Yes, they are more expensive, but these are basically heirlooms in print form. And I am dying for one (or ten) of my own.

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